FUE Hair Transplant

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FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a type of hair transplant that involves removing individual hair follicles from the epidermis and transplanting them to an area of the body with sparser or nonexistent hair.

The follicular unit transplantation (FUT) treatment, which gave rise to the “hair plugs” appearance, has lost ground to FUE in terms of popularity.

Single follicles are removed and moved by surgeons using micro punches, leaving essentially no evidence of the procedure.


Safety: The FUE technique is thought to be safe, while there are a few minor adverse effects that could occur, like very small white scars where follicles were plucked. In exceedingly rare circumstances, the surgical site may develop an infection or experience tissue death.

Short-term adverse effects that disappear a few days after therapy are possible. Sensitivity, bruising, and edema are examples of possible side effects.

Convenience: FUE is frequently performed over the course of many days in a series of 2 to 4 hour sessions. A “mega session” may occasionally last between 10 and 12 hours.

FUE is an outpatient technique, therefore after each procedure, you can usually return home.

After FUE, you won’t need to significantly alter your everyday routine. But for about a week, avoid submerging the area in water or engaging in strenuous activity.

A hair transplant procedure can be performed by almost any kind of surgeon. It might be a good idea to speak with a dermatologist who focuses on hair loss or has undergone training for hair transplant surgery.

How do FUE hair transplants function?

The three-phase cycle of hair growth and regrowth shortens as you age until follicles stop producing new hair.

For each person, this process is different. Others go bald much later in life, while other people begin to go bald in their 20s.

FUE hair transplants restore hair by swapping out these damaged follicles for fresh ones that can still produce hair.

Following the transplant, the follicles will receive blood vessel nourishment and start producing hair in the area that was previously bald or had thin hair. After a FUE hair transplant, what to expect

FUE has a rapid recovery time. For around three days, you can have some swelling or discomfort.

Here are some recommendations for aftercare that your doctor might give you:

Don’t take a shower or wash your hair for at least three days.

Once you begin shampooing your hair, use gentle, unscented shampoos for a few weeks.

Take a few days off from work to hasten the healing process.

For at least 3 weeks, avoid using a comb or brush on your new hair.

Till your doctor gives the all-clear, avoid donning hats, beanies, or any other items of clothing that cover your head. Don’t engage in any strenuous exercise for at least a week.

It’s possible that some hairs will come out when the wound heals. That is typical.

Places that will receive therapy.

The scalp is where FUE hair transplants are most frequently carried out.

They can be performed on other parts of your body where there is little or no hair. Your arms, legs, and even your genital region are all candidates for FUE.


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