Beard And Mustache Transplant


Beard And Mustache Transplant

Beard And mustache Transplant

An operation called a beard or mustache transplant returns facial hair to specific parts of the face. In addition to the beard and mustache, this procedure can also restore hair to the cheeks and sideburns.

Men typically have the surgery because they lost their beards. Additionally, it can hide burns or scars. Our confidence can be significantly influenced by how we look. Losing facial hair might have psychological effects on us. Many people who have the surgery notice a significant improvement in their confidence.

By happy accident, facial loss can be permanently fixed with a procedure called beard and mustache transplantation.

Common Reasons for Hair Loss on the Face

There are numerous factors that can contribute to facial hair loss. The most frequent reasons for facial hair loss include infections, ringworm, psoriasis, sores, inflammation, and inflammation.

The process of inflammation is intricate and dynamic, including numerous immune cell subtypes, clotting proteins, and signaling molecules. A pathogen entering your body and multiplying there is referred to as an infection. In the meantime, inflammation is the body’s defense mechanism against infection.

Skin illness known as ringworm is frequently brought on by a fungus. Because it can result in a circular rash that is typically red and itchy, it is known as “ringworm.” Ringworms can affect anyone. The fungus that causes this ailment can reside on surfaces, household goods, and skin. Skin cells can multiply up to 10 times more quickly than usual when someone has the skin condition psoriasis. As a result, the skin develops into reddish bumpy patches that are coated with white scales. However, the majority of them develop on the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back. They can grow everywhere.

Any soft tissue in your mouth, such as the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, floor, and roof, may develop sores. You can also get mouth sores on your esophagus, the tube that connects to your stomach.

If there is anything else that is contributing to your hair loss, we will let you know about it. Our physicians are knowledgeable authorities in their fields.

Additionally, metabolic conditions and hormonal issues can lead to facial hair loss.

Benefits of Transplanting a Beard and Mustache

The beard and mustache transplantation procedure we offer has four key benefits.

Transplanting a beard or mustache is not a short-term fix. It is a long-lasting fix.

After a beard or mustache transplant, you don’t need anyone’s assistance to shave or trim your new facial hair.

Transplanted beards and mustaches don’t appear fake. Following beard and mustache transplantation, your facial hair will be full and sturdy.

The ability to have your beard and mustache in any style is a significant benefit of beard and mustache transplantation. Regarding the style and density of your beard and mustache, you are not restricted by your genetic makeup.

Today, thanks to technological breakthroughs, recovering from beard and mustache transplant surgeries takes only a short period.

In comparison to older techniques, we now deliver findings in a fraction of the time. There are no postoperative activity restrictions with the Follicular Unit Transplantation, in contrast to conventional procedures. You won’t experience any pain during or after the operation. Furthermore, once you leave the clinic, you will be able to resume your regular activities.

Ability to Transplant a Beard and Mustache

Anyone who lacks a full beard or mustache as a result of surgery, injuries, previous hair removal, or genetic diseases is eligible to get beard and mustache transplants.

After the consultation, our experts will decide if you are a candidate for beard and mustache transplantation. After this session, they advise having the surgery. There are no age restrictions for the procedure as long as our doctors believe that you are a good candidate. There is no minimum or maximum age for the procedure.

The Day and Before Operation

Before your surgery, there are a few guidelines you should abide by. On the day of the procedure, you shouldn’t smoke before it. Heavy food should not be consumed as it may interfere with the anesthesia procedure. You shouldn’t shave your own beard or mustache if you already have one. Your beard and mustache will receive the essential care from our specialists. You must let us know if you are currently taking any medication or take it frequently so we can better understand your situation. Caffeine should not be consumed; it may interfere with the anesthesia process. On the day of your surgery, it’s also beneficial to dress casually.

Operation to Transplant a Beard and Mustache

Surgery to transplant a beard or mustache typically takes two to five hours. This time frame, nevertheless, could vary depending on the content. While you are unconscious due to anesthesia, our experts will perform their procedures.

Three different anesthetic methods exist:

The most thorough type of anesthesia is general anesthesia, which renders the patient asleep and numb.

Regional anesthesia: During regional anesthesia, the patient is awake. He is awake, and all of his senses—vision, sound, taste, and smell—are functioning.

Nurses inject local anesthesia with extremely fine needles into a specific area during minor procedures. The impact lasts for 15-20 minutes.

This implies that you won’t experience any pain while under the care of our qualified specialists.

Since beard strength varies from person to person, beard transplants are slightly different from hair transplants. In the event of a shortage, surgeons will take the size of the beard into account and coordinate the new follicles with the existing hair. To achieve a nice natural-looking result, consideration is given to the direction of beard hair development during the treatment.

We can say that Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUE) is a widely used method for transplanting facial hair to be more convenient. It is also a typical hair transplantation procedure.

 Our doctors use this method to remove hair from the back of your head and transplant it where it is needed.

 Following the Operation


After the procedure, you can begin cleaning your face 24 to 48 hours later. In the body and neck region, there won’t be any leftover signs. The newly planted hair follicles appear in 2 to 3 days. The blood supply in the planting region will rise, resulting in small rednesses in the hair follicles that last for two to three days and resemble acne. Depending on the number of roots, you may notice redness that lasts for 4 to 6 hours because the blood exiting the tiny pores is coagulated. In less than a week, those minute rednesses that promote improved nutrition for hair follicles start to go away. This also means that after the transplant, you will resume your regular activities as soon as possible.



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